Our Sacred Hindu Holy mother Gomatha
A cow is a very sacred animal to Hindus and some hindus even worship cows. It is a custom rather than a right to worship cows. We can see cows on Indian roads with kumkum on forehead(kumkum a powder kept at God and applied to forehead).
A cow is compared to a mother in Indian epics and it is being considered even now. A cow is known for it’s nature of sacrifice. People get so many things from cow like milk, butter and from them butter etc., Since from centuries people are drinking cow’s milk in India, it is compared to mother as it gives milk to people. This is the reason for which it is known as surrogate mother as like a mother it also gives milk to people.
To Hindus, a cow represents life. It represents soul of the people, their intellect, their emotions, and every other thing. But in everything, a cow is considered greater than humans as it doesn’t have all the selfish and bad emotions as some humans possess. It only knows to give something to people in return for a pittance(grass).
The other important reason for which it is considered sacred is that it is a vital thing in life. In a world of no animal kingdom and any agricultural systems, and any other facilities around you, you can survive just with cows. You can drink milk in the place of water and this gives the needed energy you get from food. Besides this you get butter which you can eat. Basically a cow is the only substitute for all the eating and drinking facilities you have.
In return for everything it gives, a cow takes only grass and grains which are not useful to humans. Besides this, a cow is represented as a symbol of peace as it does no harm to anyone.
From the old times(vedic times), a cow is being worshiped. In great epics there is a special place for a particular cow called “kamadhenu” which fulfills every desire of any person. From then, cows are always being worshiped in India.
A cow is considered as an animal which represents the whole animal kingdom. Respecting cow is a way of respecting every animal. The other reason for this respect towards cow is that it can not speak or it is dumb.
It is a crime to kill cows in India and though no body does that, there are rules that people who does that are taken to judicial custody immediately and there is no excuse for this.
Cows play a great part in celebrations of Indian festivals. During many festivals, they are worshiped along with the God.
These are the reasons for the Indians to show their respect towards cows and to worship them. Not only to worship them, it is also our prime duty as hindus to protect our mother by promoting vegeterianism and stop eating pizza kind of food as the food products which has cheese contains fat substance called rennet derived from dead cow and calf.