Friday, 26 June 2009


Sathya Dharma Shanti Prema Ahimsa = BHAGAVAN SATYA SAI BABA


Coming to my dedication towards Bhagavan sri sathya sai Baba (fondly addressed as ‘swami’ for his devotees) started in my early childhood. I wouldn’t say I was ardent devotee then. Actually my aunt’s in-laws and whole family used to worship the divine spirit. We were balavikas students in our childhood and we started our dedication towards him participating in cultural activities such as dance, music, bhajans, rallies and some voluntary work. I had utmost respect towards him throughout my childhood and later. But the spiritualist love and faith towards him started when the time came and I had Swami’s darshan in the form of a dream.

These were the intricate days in my life. My father passed away, I was completely shattered. Though I never showed on my face to others what I was gong through, but it was difficult part of my life. I was advised my cousins to organize a bhajan in my home. I organized it all myself. Even today I remember it was my birthday September 4, 2000, I bought the flowers, garlands and prasadam items. After bhajan, I was not feeling that good and my heart was deeply sad and I had cried and tears were pouring through my eyes. And that night I slept and had a dream that Baba has smiling at me and was conversing with me in English and assured me that I would be married soon and that groom would reside in overseas. He was also telling me that everything would be alright and I should visit Tirupathi abode of Lord Venkateshwara before migrating. And everything happened what he said. Now I have strong and pure love and faith towards him.

Now also we attend bhajans in Sydney which are organized by dedicated people of Srilanka. On my first visit to the bhajan, we had a warm welcome from the organizers and they had shown utmost respect towards us which I never experienced anywhere else in Sydney Indians. They were amazed that I was balavikas student and have personally seen him as no one has ever seen him personally. And being a Balavikas student to them was achieving some Masters degree in any University.
Due to domestic chores, it has been not possible for us to attend bhajans regularly. But deep down in my heart she lives and guides me. I always wanted to be a balavikas teacher and even the organizers here, asked me to attend the workshop (required to become teacher). But I could not attend due to inability to drive and having a young child. But someday I would definitely participate and engage myself in voluntary work and bhajans.

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is an integral manifestation who combines two very significant roles. Firstly, He is a great spiritual Master, famed for His simple and sweet exposition of the greatest and most intricate of spiritual truths which form the fundamental teachings of all the religions of the world. Elucidating on His mission, Bhagawan declares “I have come not to disturb or destroy any faith, but to confirm each in his own faith. His formula for man to lead a meaningful life is the five-fold path of Sathya (Truth), Dharma (Righteousness), Shanthi (Peace), Prema (Love) and Ahimsa (Non-Violence). Love for God, fear of sin and morality in society – these are His prescriptions for our ailing world.
Secondly, He is an inexhaustible reservoir of pure love. His numerous service projects, be it free hospitals, free schools and colleges, free drinking water supply or free housing projects, all stand testimony to His selfless love and compassion for the needy and less privileged. True to His declaration - “My Life is My Message”, He has inspired and continues to inspire millions of His devotees worldwide by His personal example to live the ideal that service to man is service to God.

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is thus a beacon of hope in a world that is desperately seeking an end to the unrest and sorrow prevalent today. Bhagawan Baba is nothing but Love walking on two feet”.
Mankind must use this golden opportunity to follow in His footsteps. That is the way to its redemption and its salvation.
Sai Ram


Once my Grandmother(ammamma)  was preparing ‘payasam’ and kept the payasam on chikkudu leaves (broad beans) and offered it to Lord suryanarayana as naivedyam. The payasam was made in traditional and old way of cooking with the help of wood and coal. When I asked what she was doing. She said that day was Rathasaptami and explained me the importance of that festival. Here I am giving short description.

“Ratha” means chariot and “Sapthami” means the 7th day, it is the day when the Surya/Sun god is believed to ride on the chariot drawn by 7 horses to gift the beautiful season “Spring” to South India. It is during this time that Surya/Sun moves from the southeast to the northeast. 7 represents the colors of the rainbow or the 7 chakras. This festival falls on the 7th day of the Hindu month Magha, February in the Gregorian calendar. The days become warmer and bring relief and cheer to life after the bitter winter months.

On Rathasaptami day, rangoli/patern of surya/sun riding a chariot is drawn. A special bath is taken with arka leaves (jilledu akulu). In some communities they keep ‘regi pandu’ on the head, 2 on the shoulders, 2 on knees and 2 on foot while having bath

The following mantra on Sun god is chanted while taking the bath.“Saptha Saptha Maha SapthaSaptha Dweepa VasundaraSapth Arka Parna MadayaSapthamyam Snana Machareth”
Prayers and mantras to be chanted on this holy day are
· Surya sahsranamam
· Aditya hrudayam
· Gayatri mantram
· surya ashtothram or ashtakas.
Then an offering of “Payasam” made of rice with jaggery is shown to the sun. In the “sup” (basket for sifting corn) twelve heaps of grain are offered to the sun, the number corresponding to the twelve constellations through which the sun goes. Grain is offered to the brahmins.Some people show their respect to the sun by bowing twelve times every day to the sun, repeating every time one of the twelve names of the sun. These twelve names are: Mitra, Ravi, Surya, Ahanu, Khag, Pushan, Hirnyagarbha, Marichi, Aditya, Savita, Arka, and Bhaskar. On this day a new season begins, the sun sitting on his chariot sets out on his journey.

Iit is very sacred to follow this tradition. now a days people donot tend to get much time due to work pressure and other domestic duties. Atleast they can meditate on this for few minutes for Lord Suryanarayana. I know its difficult to get a glance of surya is hard sometimes in temperate zones. But still the bhakti imbibe in us should show the utmost respect and shraddha towards the Lord surya.

By following this simple ritual people believe that the Lord will bless them with success for all their endeavors in the coming year.

Note: Most of the information gathered from Rathasaptahmi vratham and normal rituals done at home

Thursday, 25 June 2009

My love Aneesh Ramana

In life, we come across various forms of relations. But giving birth to some one is altogether different experience. That’s what happened when my son was born. Most of the people say that they had their happy days during school, college and family gatherings. I cannot say, my life (from childhood to teens) is filled with great memories. The best and the happiest thing happened to me is my son’s birth. The bond of mother and child is purest and holy.

Many say mother is the Gem who knows everything about the child. But one thing I say is, child is also a Gem who gives birth to mother. Many articles and speeches have been given about Mother – child relation in the past and now and then.

After my father’s demise, the first biological relation I had was my son.
During my pregnancy and after delivery, I really do not know what I am going to do as I never had any knowledge of raising kids. Even my cousins were born on consecutive months and years. So I have never seen how we can take care of newborn. But everything I learnt was from day to day experience I gained. He taught me many things. Emotionally, I have become strong and very much dedicated to him. I want everything to be perfect for him. I see a mother and father in me.

In today’s generation people get so much busy in their lives that they hardly find time for their mother, they don’t even remember the things she has done for them to make their life smooth and comfortable. A person should always remember the efforts made by the mother for his betterment and should give utmost respect and care to his mother, as she really deserves it. He/she should let her mother know what she means to him and she will be the happiest person on this whole world.

Right now we are dealing with his speech delay. But deep down somewhere inside, I think he would be successful in all aspects of life. Yes I do I have some many concerns for him. But he is keeping my inner spirit energized and stimulated all the time. I want my son to be emotionally strong and be a strong fighter through out his life as life gives us so much and we have to walk through each step whether it is good or bad.

People say I have given birth to a son, but I say, he has given me a new birth.



I had very good memories of my grandmother. Literally speaking, she was also my paternal aunt as well as my mother was married to her maternal uncle. My Grandmother played a fundamental part in my life.

Myself and my cousins , we have learnt so many things from you. She taught us how to read and write Telugu perfectly. Most of my school classmates say that their Telugu improved when we had a change of Telugu teacher in our 8 grade. But even before my 8 grade and throughout my childhood I had a good fluency of reading and writing Telugu perfectly because of her mentoring. When my mother and aunt (pinni) were going out or while they were working, my grandmother used to take care of us and cook delicious Andhra Brahmin food which we used to relish. She taught us Telugu vyakaranam. It’s because of her my teacher language skills are good not because of any teacher.

She had her set of old age depression and problems which made an impact of her quality of life especially when she was sick. Grandparents play a vital role in everyone’ lives. But today the society is changing and kids have very limited access to their grandparents because of many reasons.

I still think children learn valuable information from grandparents which these so called corporate schools do not teach. I really feel upset for my son who is unaware of that kind of affection and hardly can he expect any affection from his grandmother.

The second generation should love their parents and spend some quality time with their parents and make sure their small wishes are fulfilled and encourage their kids to learn some things from grandparents a lot of things which their never think of. I mean in terms of religion, culture and tradition. Grand kids should also spend some time with their grandparents even though their education demands a lot of time for themselves. They should never complain and gossip about their grandparents with their parents. If any problem arises, they should talk in a peaceful way rather than creating fuss as they are your parent’s parents.

Grandparents should exercise love rather than their authority on family matters and their descendants.

The negative kind of structure is because of the increasing influence of nuclear families and other materialistic demands.

This is message to all grandparents who do not understand the mutual sharing of love and affection towards their grandkid and is in concept of divide and rule should make a note and step forward and be lovable. Loves can our lives wonderful. I am sending this message as my kid is unaware of actual love from his paternal grandmother. Some times tears flow through my eyes. And I had to stop here.


Mother’s love

Mother plays a vital role in everybody’s life. My mother passed away when I was only 9 years old. All I can recall about her was she used to be beautiful and was a bharatnatyam dancer. I believe that some of her charm has rubbed on me. As my memory power is very good, I can recall those sweet memories. My mother used to be very strict in discipline and studies. As ఫర్ as my studies are concerned, she wanted me to secure not only good percentage but also to get first rank in the class. Getting first rank used to be very hard. Even then I got first rank in most of my kindergarten and primary classes. She used to work as teacher in an aided school. While walking through her school, there used be a house of my classmate and she used to be my competitor in those days. My mother wanted me to compete with her. After her demise I used to study but to secure good percentage not like today’s children who are very studious and do not find time to play or engage in any activities.

I had also sweet memories with my relatives when my mother was alive. Every day we used to be surrounded by relatives and friends. She used to be affectionate with every one irrespective of caste, creed and religion. She used to be very affectionate and when required acted very strict towards me. I recall one memory, somebody said that children whose mother is working tend to take pride and in some cases arrogant. If you were mother alive, you would be probably being acting like them. I gushed and said having a mother is more than expecting anything else. Working or not working, it doesn’t matter. What matters is the live physical presence and love of her.

I still miss my mother. I miss my mother for not only myself, for also my tiny tot who is ignorant of love and affection of his grandmother. Even grandmother plays a fundamental part of our lives. I try to be like her balancing relation with our personal emotions. May be some of the traits I took from my mother which keeps me going to protect my self esteem and dignity while there is impediment in my relations. I miss the festivals she used to celebrate like sankranthi, deepavali, dasara, varalakshmi vratham and karthika masam poojalu. I wish those days would come back. The first sloka or chalisa I learnt was hanuman chalisa. She taught me how to read the Telugu text of hanuman chalisa when I was in my 1st or 2nd grade and at the same time she used to read aloud without the help of any book. She also taught me the importance of poojalu and how good it is to be vegetarian as we are strictly supposed to be. I learnt so many good things from her even at that tender age. I think those are all the basic steps to lead a good life and to be traditionally and culturally well behaved and be good humans.

If my mother was alive, there could be a lot of difference. I would have been totally different person. All these years, I learnt a lot all by my personal experience in life. It would have been great if my mother would have been there to guide me, protect me and appreciate me. Hats off! to all mothers who take a lot of pain in raising their kids.

My mother has come back in the form of my son. A few years before a flower and blossomed and shed and it has budded and took the form of grandchild.