Friday, 26 June 2009


Sathya Dharma Shanti Prema Ahimsa = BHAGAVAN SATYA SAI BABA


Coming to my dedication towards Bhagavan sri sathya sai Baba (fondly addressed as ‘swami’ for his devotees) started in my early childhood. I wouldn’t say I was ardent devotee then. Actually my aunt’s in-laws and whole family used to worship the divine spirit. We were balavikas students in our childhood and we started our dedication towards him participating in cultural activities such as dance, music, bhajans, rallies and some voluntary work. I had utmost respect towards him throughout my childhood and later. But the spiritualist love and faith towards him started when the time came and I had Swami’s darshan in the form of a dream.

These were the intricate days in my life. My father passed away, I was completely shattered. Though I never showed on my face to others what I was gong through, but it was difficult part of my life. I was advised my cousins to organize a bhajan in my home. I organized it all myself. Even today I remember it was my birthday September 4, 2000, I bought the flowers, garlands and prasadam items. After bhajan, I was not feeling that good and my heart was deeply sad and I had cried and tears were pouring through my eyes. And that night I slept and had a dream that Baba has smiling at me and was conversing with me in English and assured me that I would be married soon and that groom would reside in overseas. He was also telling me that everything would be alright and I should visit Tirupathi abode of Lord Venkateshwara before migrating. And everything happened what he said. Now I have strong and pure love and faith towards him.

Now also we attend bhajans in Sydney which are organized by dedicated people of Srilanka. On my first visit to the bhajan, we had a warm welcome from the organizers and they had shown utmost respect towards us which I never experienced anywhere else in Sydney Indians. They were amazed that I was balavikas student and have personally seen him as no one has ever seen him personally. And being a Balavikas student to them was achieving some Masters degree in any University.
Due to domestic chores, it has been not possible for us to attend bhajans regularly. But deep down in my heart she lives and guides me. I always wanted to be a balavikas teacher and even the organizers here, asked me to attend the workshop (required to become teacher). But I could not attend due to inability to drive and having a young child. But someday I would definitely participate and engage myself in voluntary work and bhajans.

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is an integral manifestation who combines two very significant roles. Firstly, He is a great spiritual Master, famed for His simple and sweet exposition of the greatest and most intricate of spiritual truths which form the fundamental teachings of all the religions of the world. Elucidating on His mission, Bhagawan declares “I have come not to disturb or destroy any faith, but to confirm each in his own faith. His formula for man to lead a meaningful life is the five-fold path of Sathya (Truth), Dharma (Righteousness), Shanthi (Peace), Prema (Love) and Ahimsa (Non-Violence). Love for God, fear of sin and morality in society – these are His prescriptions for our ailing world.
Secondly, He is an inexhaustible reservoir of pure love. His numerous service projects, be it free hospitals, free schools and colleges, free drinking water supply or free housing projects, all stand testimony to His selfless love and compassion for the needy and less privileged. True to His declaration - “My Life is My Message”, He has inspired and continues to inspire millions of His devotees worldwide by His personal example to live the ideal that service to man is service to God.

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is thus a beacon of hope in a world that is desperately seeking an end to the unrest and sorrow prevalent today. Bhagawan Baba is nothing but Love walking on two feet”.
Mankind must use this golden opportunity to follow in His footsteps. That is the way to its redemption and its salvation.
Sai Ram

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