Wednesday, 8 July 2009

శ్రీ సూక్తం

Significance of srisuktham

Whenever I read sahsranamam of any goddess, I try to chant srisuktham. I don't know why, I feel without reciting it my pooja is incomplete. My lalitha sahsranamam pooja also consists of srisuktham as prefix. Even while listening to srisuktham at temples, I feel like my body is drenched in the pond of nectar. This feeling also gives me immense power. Ihave strong inclination to read the suktha without the help of any resources. Truly, to some extent I have achieved success by remembering few verses of the suktha.

The Sri Suktam is the essence of the Vedas, and that it contains all the important information about Divne Mother. The essential message of the Sri Suktam is that Mother's true form is the beautiful, cosmic golden light of divine consciousness that shines in the hearts of all creatures

The supreme appears in the form of Vishnu to uphold and protect the world. The operation is done through the power of Vishnu for which the terminology is Lakshmi. She is the Brahman revealed in its mother aspect as creatrix and nourisher of the three worlds. Her description appears in the Shi Sukta, where she has been lauded in golden words and in glorious terms...Just as there is no difference between Power-Holder (Vishnu) and Power (Lakshmi)...She is the presiding deity of all divine manifestation.

For the adoration of Lakshmi, there is no hymn equal to the Sri Sukta...The letters, syllables and words in the fifteen verses of Sri Sukta, collectively form the sound body of Lakshmi, the presiding deity of this Hymn. As it has come to us from the consciousness state of the Rishi (seer), the substance is Chit, the creative energy in Vaikhari or gross from of sound.

The universe is conceived and born of sound. Light is nothing but a sound of a particular frequency. All that we see in this worlds in solid, liquid, or gaseous state has emanated from sound. Even our mind is the crystal of sound. Nama (name) is sound from which rupa (form) has come. To cut it short, Sri Sukta is a Siddha Mantra and is a radiant mass of energy. By proper Sadhana, the jiva can raise itself to a divine status. But to attain this, it is very vital that the meaning of the Mantras are correctly understood, intoned and also remembered at the time of recitation.

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