Wednesday, 22 July 2009


Since the attack on Indian students in Australia, there have been huge uproar from Indians and Australia
has been accused of being a racist country. Is it really fair to accuse Australia for few attacks on
Indian students when few Indians have not been treating many foreigners properly? Ask any African living
in India and each will tell you at least one instance when they felt the brunt of racism.Can't we think of few reasons which might lead our Indian students into these kind of abuse, to mention some like working late nights, indulging in anti social activities (yes!you heard right) like drug trafficking, unethical behiour on personal front like flirting, deceit and adultery.The other reasons might also be ignorance of proper native mannerisms as we Indians are more prone towards loud speaking and ignoring about the premises when we hold mobile, yes, ofcourse this could also lead us into trouble espically when we are travelling in public transport.
I have seen Indians use the most derogatory terms on other "ethnic" communities, but they seem to be mesmerized by white people because of their colur and foreign ethnicity. We Indian communities address each other’s community with terms such as; Gujarati is called as gujjus, South Indians are all called as Madrasis, irrespective of their state and language and most of the people form northern part of Indians still assume Madras as a state , Punjabis are called as gottas and the list goes on….

I go to some "Indian Outlets & restaurants" in Sydney all the time and literally run by Indians and I am totally surprised by the utter change in behavior. I am Indian and don’t get treated the same way and an Aussie in that store would.

As people staying in Bombay think anybody outside of Bombay or from down south is not worth anything......that same thing goes along when it comes to racism.....people in India still give too much importance to the color of skin.....

I once worked for a Tamil Company, where the first question someone asked me on my first day of orientation was whether I was a Tamilian and that to be a Brahmin or not.

Some of the behaviours that include are as follows:

1. preferential treatment to Westerners over Indians

2. Treating other Indians like dirt based on his/her profession, caste, religion, region, language

3. In the Indian corporate world there is rampant favoritism / unequal treatment of employees based on province, language, caste

We see many ads in Indian matrimonial columns asking for a "fair skinned" beautiful girl..No one says they dont care about the color of skin and care about character.

Indians! there is nothing wrong with being an Indian.Behavioural trait always should be according to the situation and adaptive nature towards the ambience . Be proud of who you are. If you are not fair or complex issues, that is ok too. You will never be a different person.

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